Sunday, September 5, 2010

Our First Coug Game Together

Well after being on the go the last couple weeks and getting use to our grown family we decided to skip all the traffic of the long weekend and avoid Lake Chelan.  It was a hard decision, but in the long run it was the right decision.  So what did we do instead?  Let's see.... First we woke up super early, then Kim made a fantastic breakfast.  After a few cups of coffee we got to work cleaning the house, and mostly the garage.  THIS INCLUDED A NICE DUMP RUN!  We are almost ready to get both cars back in the garage.  By the end of the day we were all spent.  This meant a Jack n' Coke for me (Birdy) and a nap for Avery.  Little did she know the Cougs were about to start!!! Apparently she was one step ahead of us, because shortly have the 1st few series, and the score already nasty we were all resting a little bit!  With 2 more days in the weekend this means a few more adventures!!! I see our 1st trip up to Cougar Mtn in the works!! :)!!!

Getting into the Coug Game Big Time!

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